As chartered Engineer in the UK, and a British Member of Electrical Engineering since 1986, Omar is a senior electromechanical Engineer graduated since 1975 from Lebanon with a post graduate study iat Toulouse ENSEEIHT. His experience ranges from a wide expertise in the consultancy engineering services for hospitals, hotels, commercial centers, offices, housing, infrastructural works, smart cities and buildings with international exposure (Europe, the Gulf area, Middle east and Africa ) and an adaptation to a wide range of local and international Standards. Since 1989, he engaged into the services of value engineering in order to align contracts with the Owners budget however without affecting the intent of the design.
Omar was the representative of the Lebanese order of Engineers at governmental commissiondealing with safeties issue and electromechanical engineering matters. He was also the party that discussed with WTO, assigned consultant, the order of engineer compliance with the prerequisites of national treatment issues that need to be secured when adhering to WTO. He was also the responsible of negotiating with IEC and CONSUEL (France) for a cooperation protocol between the order of Engineers and international organizations.
Awards & Honors
Prize of the Order of Engineers and Architects in Beirut for high standard University Achievement 1975